Friday, October 31, 2014

Eggs in Hand

With two dirty eggs in my sweaty palms, I started passing a soccer ball around with a little boy on my way home from marker. After awhile another boy came to introduce himself and play. We probably played for 20 minutes before I found a chance to thank them for playing and greatfully put down the two unbroken eggs. A week latter, while carrying eggs I met a girl who has now become my shadow when I walk in that part of town. Yesterday, while carrying half a dozen eggs in a thin bag in my hands, I laughed as 8 children clustered around to be taught the fist bump. They don’t like the originally single pound. They prefer the up-down-side-to-side-and-then-front-on pound version much better. Of course you can’t do it just once to get the hang of it. It was a bit of a trick to jostle eggs while watching out for all the fists and faces that are right at elbow level.

While I know approximately how long it takes to get between two points, the children are always a blessed unaccountable factor. They love to talk. They love to ask questions as their curiosity bubbles overs. They love to laugh at me or us. While I may be extremely hungry or tired as I carry eggs, I feel so blessed to stop and play. They remind me of what really counts in the day. Even though I have yet to break an egg while playing, I know the day will come and we will laugh about it.

Altered circumstances or conditions arise daily. Meetings are rescheduled or the person I need to talk to is in another meeting. The power goes on and off as does the cell service. It gets dark around 6:30 sending me to my room to cook and fill the evening hours. I figure there are two things I can do when these unexpectancies come up: 1. I can get frustrated, mad, upset and blame others for the way things go. 2. I can adapt to go with the flow and see what happens. My parents told us we could never complain unless we were willing to fix it, so option 2 is where I choose to go. It’s like a puzzle. I have to keep trying different options than what I first originally thought in order to get a clear picture. 

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