About Myself
1. I say “Yes”…..No is very hard for me to say
to people
2. I love teaching
3. Tea gets me out of bed on cold mornings
4. I put my whole heart into everything
5. I’m not always messy
6. Walking around room is classroom management
& keeps me calm
7. I’m a HUGE travel bug!
8. Love the sunshine!
9. Have to schedule in “free” time
10. Nicknames, inside jokes & sporadic text
messages make my day
About Students
1. They learn most through laughing
2. Books are brought if reminded or rewarded
3. Involvement fades during 3rd and 6th period
4. Will do more if there is a reason involved
5. Love formulas….even for a language that has
more exceptions than rules
6. 1st period is always shorter with students
coming in late
7. Will want to do homework for other classes
if they aren’t active in the learning
8. Love to ask “Why?”
9. Lemons/Limes are precious
10. “Hello” in Tigrigna goes a long way
About Others
1. Will respond in relation to the authenticity
that a question is asked
2. All are different
3. Friendships can be interpreted in different
4. Most genuinely care for your response to
“how are you?”
5. Many assume you know about cultural days,
norms or expectations without explaining them
6. Film, music, weather and sports are common
similarities for starting conversations
7. Appreciate effort even if the outcome isn’t
perfect (ex. language)
8. They joke because they care and trust you to
joke back
9. Chivalry is not dead
10. Deserve to be listened to be really heard,
before being told someone else’s opinion is better
About Friends
1. Send
you long letters full of random, thoughtful, philosophical questions to remind
you they still know and think of you.
2. Tell
you what you need to hear even if you don’t want to hear it
3. Pausing movies for commentary is sharing a
part of their hearts
4. Don’t back away when you are sick, but come
closer to make sure you’re okay
5. Keep no records of price of food, phone
cards, or shared tickets
6. Say what is on their minds about any topic
7. Recommend books that become your favorites
because they know you so well
8. Say more with a look than could ever be
dictated correctly
9. Don’t have to know you long to know you well
10. Love helping you expand your horizons, but
remind you to enjoy the view
About Life
1. Find days to celebrate
2. Eating with one hand doesn’t have to be
3. Habits can change
4. New things are an adventure to be determined
good or bad later
5. A meal can say so many things
6. Celebrate everything between life and death
7. The future is unknown, but nothing to worry
8. Curve balls come, but that doesn’t mean they
can’t be hit
9. Distance and time don’t hinder friendships
10. Hy
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