Sunday, July 20, 2014

Butajira Part 2

Today on my way walking to internet (25 minute walk) I noticed that there was grass poking through the very muddy road. While this may seem like an ordinary event, what made me stop to think was that our road was plowed (yes demolished like with a tractor) two days ago. TWO! How crazy cool is it that God made grass so adaptable, persistent and determine to flourish after getting a beating and only one good rain after a really dry spell. I'm going to be like grass. 

I haven't had a beating (literally), but this week has been hard. Language is slower than I want and after 4 hours I feel exhausted. Learning and speaking Amharic at home makes me double check to see what I'm saying. I definately mixed the two on my test yesterday (yeah we have four hours of language classes on Saturdays) and took some time to figure out where the mix up had come. But God is good and has blessed me with many blessings that keep frustrations from overwhelming me. 

Getting frustrated with the language and needing to walk off confusion and calm nerves before the test yesterday I went on a walk. I didn't really know where I was going just that I had 30 minutes of time to just go outside and get away. I ended up walking down the major road from my language class towards the preparatory school where I have found some secluded nooks to think and be alone. I am used to children coming up to me and giving me fist bumps, but usually they leave asking giggling about the foreigner attempting to speak to them. By the time I got to the Prep school (maybe a block away) I had a gaggle of children following me (10 counts as a gaggle right?). One boy pointed to one of the murals at the prep school entrance. Before I knew it we were focusing on the other mural of a world map finding Ethiopia in Africa. Soon we were giggling and going over all the continents and oceans. It was adorable hearing them try to pronounce Australia. I also think I confused the kids by describing Antarctica as "Brrrr" before the name. They started calling it "Brrrrr Ant." Baby steps though right? It was absolutely amazing though to be around little kids and seeing their smiles. Adults walking by laughed, smiled, and waved at me when I glanced up. Sure, there are frustrations but there are plenty of kids everywhere to make sure I smile. 

Other interesting things in my life: I'm fighting a battle with cockroaches in my room. They aren't giant, but they are plentiful. Mosquito nets keep one extra warm and make morning light look golden when it reflects. I did laundry outside before the rain came so it is taking a couple of days to dry. On Tuesday we start our four week Practicum! I'm learning how to cook some great food and have mastered the shint bet (outhouse without a seat). I haven't had much milk, meat, or fruit but am loving what I have been eating. With all the walking I feel great! I have not had to have any coffee or too spicy food as my host mom is pregnant and avoids these foods. I went to an Orthodox church today which was outside! I had to cover my head and didn't understand what was going on, but that is okay. I came back and sang songs that I've torn out of bulletins and were stuck in my Bible while I cleaned my room. 

Psalms 73:26 has been stuck in my head recently: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Love you all so much! If you are curious about anything, just ask! I will try to answer as I can!

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