Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jessie's Christmas "Card" -- sent before Ethiopian Christmas!

This year I’ve traversed through 10-11 time zones
Seen differences in weather, cultures, and phones.
From familiar and known to new, from here to there It’s time to reflect on God’s role this year with care.
This year started in freezing Pennsylvania snow Wondering when my delayed plane would ever go. But back to Spokane, Washington I went Where I subbed daily (K-12) trying to make a dent.
Dad came cross-country to bring me a new, red car Though I had to learn stick if I wanted to go far. Peace Corps’ invitation brought paperwork galore, But nothing could lessen the excitement or allure.
Graduations and weddings took June by fury Making good-byes for two years come way too early. On June 28th I bid the Northwest adieu, Off to DC to meet my 70 comrades crew.
The 13-hour flight on July 2nd was a drag. We arrived in Addis with horrible jet lag. Long meetings filled first week in Ethiopia. Then a two-hour drive south to Butajira.
Host families, new friends and training filled PST With strange food, trying new things, and lots of hot tea. Having a cold, wet summer was something quite new While balancing Amharic and Tigrigna, too.
After celebrating the Ethiopian New Year 2007, Forengi food in Addis tasted like heaven. On 9/19 I swore in for Peace Corps’ 2 year stay. The next morning I flew out up north to Tigray.
School got underway with three classes of 70. With daily class work and friends, little time is free. I’m in different clubs and do coffee ceremonies, Volleyball, soccer, and play with kids in the hot breeze.
God has been with me through the good, hard, and new I hope and pray you’ve seen Him working in you, too. I do not know what 2015 will hold, But God gives us the courage to trust and be bold.

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