Monday, February 15, 2016

Lots of Love (In honor of the day of love = 14 February 2016)

 I’m constantly listening to music and usually my tunes are on shuffle. While it is often on for background noise as I work, it has recently been employed for many dance parties with four energetic girls under the age of four in my room. There is lots of dancing and jumping around with stuffed animals being ideal dance partners or stunt devils. While actually listening to the lyrics (even though they don’t know English, I don’t want to be exposing them to some music), I’ve realized that love is portrayed differently in songs, but with the same passion. So, here is my eclectic Valentine’s Day play list for all the different kinds of love. (Disclaimer, if you watch to these songs on youtube I have no idea what the videos are like, just the lyrics.)  

“2,000 Years Ago” by Rescue (Heavenly Love) “2,000 years ago they put His cross in the ground.  2,000 years ago His blood ran down. And though my foolish heart finds it hard to believe 2,000 years ago He was thinking of me.” While this acappella song centers around the Easter story and not Valentine’s Day, the message is a clear representation of the love letter of John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, not to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” While we live out love in various ways, how can sacrificing your only child compare?

“A Love Without End, Amen” by George Straight (Parental Love) “Let me tell you a secret about a father’s love. A secret that my Daddy said was just between us. He said Daddy’s don’t just love their children every now and then, it’s a love without end, amen.” I was not the perfect child. I’ve been grounded and had disagreements with my parents. However, throughout all the “no’s” that I thought were destroying my life completely, their love for my brothers and me never wavered. It was there when I was frustrated with geometry, ecstatic from winning a game, sad when plans changed, and applying and deciding to join Peace Corps for its 27 months commitment. While I can’t write about experiencing this kind of love as a parent, I’m so beyond grateful for the love my parents showered and continue to bless me with and look forward to the day I can love my own children in an infinity of love.  

“Count On Me” by Bruno Mars (Sibling Love) My brothers are two of my ultimate favorite people in my life. Their faces smile from photos posted all over my room. Pictures from when we were little and just moved to Oregon, all of our graduations (even Philip’s that I missed), traveling across the country, and more. My parents had a rule that we couldn’t hang out with friends if we were in fights with our siblings. While this is a song about the importance of friends and not necessarily siblings, my brothers happen to be two of my best friends. We are there for each other and know that the others will be there when we need them. While they have never “sing a song beside me” to get me to sleep, they constantly remind me how much they love me. I can count on them to be there with a smile, hug, laugh and a listening ear whenever I need them to be. “I’ll never let go” of their friendship and “Never say goodbye” indefinitely. Other friends have let me down, but they never have.  They always have my back and they know I have theirs. We talk about the serious and goofy topics and have random dance parties as we “DJ it up” wherever we are (kitchen, car, etc). While being in Peace Corps has separated us for 19 months, it’s their tall, strong hugs that I look forward to the most after getting off the plane. They are my encouragement to keep persevering and never giving up.  

“The Gift of a Friend” by Demi Lovato (Friendship Love)  Loneliness is a drag; however, friendship blossoms when given half a chance. Friendships aren’t defined by the amount of pictures you are tagged in with the other person, or how long your facebook relationship has lasted. Some friendships last a brief time and others continue on throughout many years. Some are built through late night conversations and others are once a year “Happy Birthday” messages that serve as catch up for the year. While they vary in depth and length, it’s crucial to realize the importance of friends. Those people “who knows when you’re lost and you’re scared, and are there through the highs and the lows. Someone to count on. Someone who cares. Beside you wherever you go” throughout whatever obstacles, celebrations and everything in between life brings you.      

“Beauty and the Beast” Celine Dion/Disney (Romantic Love) This is the kind of love one associates most with Valentine’s Day. The love between two people that changes Facebook status, prompts date nights, and leads to dreams of happily ever after. While there are many songs that reflect this type of love, I prefer Beauty and the Beast’s theme song as the best description. “Tale as old as time. True as it can be. Barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly. Just a little change. Small to say the least. Both a little scared. Neither one prepared….Ever a surprise. Ever as before ever just as sure…Bittersweet and strange finding you can change learning you were wrong.” It’s a step above friendship wrapped with certainty and doubt. Certain that it is love, but wondering if the other person is “the one.” It’s changing to compromise with realizations of truth reveled throughout the relationship.

“Dear Future Husband” by Meghan Trainor (Hopeful yet Uncompromising Love) For those of us that are still looking for a romantic love, this upbeat song reminds us not to compromise our ideals for a man. Meghan throws in some advice for her future husband to follow: “You gotta know how to treat me like a lady even when I’m acting crazy. Tell me everything’s alright…Make time for me…Just be a classy guy…Tell me I’m beautiful each and every night” that reminds me that setting standards isn’t being picky, but protecting our hearts for the right guy to come in. She reminds him to drop the stereotype of women staying in the kitchen with  “You work that 9-5 well Baby so do I so don’t be thinkin’ I’ll be home makin’ apple pies. I never learned to cook” and instead insist that she be treated with respect in various ways.

“Who I Am” by Jessica Andrews (Self Love) There are many things in the world to which we compare success to: traveling, awards, etc. However, what is most important is recognizing who we are as individuals. Having a strong, positive sense of self makes individuals stronger. “So when I make a big mistake, when I fall flat on my face, I know I’ll be alright. Should my tender heart broken. I’ll cry those tear drops knowing I’ll be just fine. Cuz nothing changes who I am.” I don’t allow things to have the power to change me, without my consent. I know that “I’m a saint and I’m a sinner. I’m a loser. I’m a winner. I’m steady and unstable. I’m young but I am able” and so much more. I’m constantly learning who I am and reinforcing my own sense of self in positive ways.  

“Everyday People” by Reba McEntire and Carole King (Humanitarian Love) There is a place in our hearts for loving humans just because we are all humans. It’s the love that compels people to build houses after natural disasters, cover enormous medical bills and more. Individually a person may not be famous, important, or the best in his/her field. However, his/her impact is important. “Everyday people are the ones that are making miracles and it’s beautiful. Everyday people lifting up the world like an answered prayer I thank God they’re there. They’re the ones who care, everyday people.” We need to love each other to properly care for each other.  

“God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood or Jump5 (Patriotic Love) I wasn’t born in America; however, I have spent the majority of my life between “sea to shining sea.” Living abroad not only has deepened my love and appreciation for America, but to recognize that national pride is evident in other cultures. My Ethiopian friends are proud to be Ethiopian and which never was formally colonized. Like American’s saying the pledge of allegiance, every day students sing the national anthem to a waving flag. Americans boast that “the flag still stands for Freedom and they can’t take that away. And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free and I won’t forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. Cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this land…Well there’s pride in every American heart.” The truth is there is pride in most people’s hearts for their homeland or where they are living now.  

There are many different types of love. Love for individuals differs just as it does between pets, food and t.v. shows. So, whatever relationship status you find yourself in this Valentine’s Day, I hope you are surrounded by people that love you and that you can show those who are important to you that you love them.  

PS. If you are completely pessimistic about this whole love thing, check out the “Lollipop” song from Pitch Perfect 2 that focuses on “Love’s going to get you down,” but has a beat that will want you to start dancing, laughing and forgetting about broken hearts and messy parts of relationships. ☺

    Other Fun Favorites: “Back on the Ground” Scotty McCreery (Parental)
“Home” Dierks Bently (American Patriotism)
“Little Moments” Brad Paisley (Romantic)
“Little Things” One Direction (Romantic)
“Seasons of Love” Rent (Original Broadway Production)
“We Belong Together (Tarzan and Jane)” Steven Curtis Chapman (Romantic)
 “Where is the Love?” Black Eyed Peas (Humanitarian)
“Y-O-U” Jonah Werner (Romantic)
 “You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins/Disney (Parental)
 “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” Randy Newman/Disney (Friendship)

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